An Exclusive Weber Product: Lee's Multi-Differential Agar (LMDA)

Weber Brand Lee's Multi Differential Agar (LMDA)is used for the detection, selection and enumeration of bacteria commonly found in beer and breweries. This medium contains several reagents which aid in the identification of bacterial colonies, including a color indicator for acid production. The selectivity of this medium can be further enhanced by the addition of a yeast inhibitor and/or by anaerobic incubation. The Weber LMDA is an ideal medium for the detection of the following beer spoilage organisms:

  • Lactobacillus spp.
  • Pediococcus spp.
  • Acetic acid bacteria
  • Lactic acid bacteria

Product Details

  • Conforms to American Society of Brewing Chemists standard methods and formulation.
  • Can be used with or without yeast growth inhibitors.
  • Also commonly referred to as Schwarz Differential Agar (SDA) Medium

Package QuantityContains 500 g dehydrated media. Prepares approximately 400 standard diameter petri dishes.

Note:Yeast growth inhibitors are sold separately. See links below for commonly used yeast inhibiting ingredients.

Item No. Brand Name Size Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
SDA/LMDA (Schwarz Differential Agar/Lee’s Multi-Differential Agar)
Weber 500 grams Each
Add to Cart 40 In Stock 40 In Stock