Brandtech BRAND HandyStep S Repeating Manual Pipette

The Brandtech BRAND HandyStep® S Repeating Manual Pipette provides unprecedented versatility in a purely mechanical repeating pipette. In conjunction with ten sizes of PD-Tip™ Precision Dispenser Tips, it offers nearly sixty different volume settings with accuracy, precision, and dependability. The slim design of the HandyStep® S is lightweight, well-balanced, and provides a convenient control layout for smooth dispensing and one-handed volume selection. Robust construction, inspired design and innovative polymers deliver a dependable instrument. A purely mechanical design with no batteries to charge or replace means the HandyStep® S is ready when you are. A convenient integrated volume table provides a quick reference for dispensed volumes. Ten sizes of BRAND® PD-TipTM ll Precision Dispenser Tips allow the HandyStep® S to dispense 59 different volumes. Open design allows use of third-party tips—no more being locked into a sole source!

Each HandyStep® S repeating pipette includes a shelf/rack mount, one box each (0.1mL, 1mL, 10mL) PD-Tip™ syringe tips, operating manual, and performance certificate.

Key Features

  • Nearly sixty different volume settings with accuracy, precision and dependability
  • Mechanical design – no batteries required
  • Optimally positioned dispensing lever for easy thumb movement
  • Ergonomic eject button for contact-free, safe ejection of contaminated dispenser tips
  • Convenient integrated volume table provides a quick reference for dispensed volumes
  • Open design allows use of third-party tips
  • 2-year warranty
Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
EF205508 HandyStep® S Repeating Pipette Each
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