Brix Hydrometers

Standardized at 17.5°C / 63.5°F.

  • Brix Hydrometers Measure Sugar Content of Beer and Wort
  • Combined Form with Thermometers and Temperature
  • Correction Scales in the Body
  • To 50°C, spirit fill
  • Tolerance is 0.1%
  • Standard Temperature 17.5°C / 63.5°F.
  • Suitable for Certification – Available upon request (additional charge)

Item No. Range° Scale Division° Length
3048-07 0 – 8.0 0.1 12” / 305 mm
3048-08 8.0 – 16.0 0.1 11” / 279 mm
3048-09 16.0 – 24.0 0.1 18” / 457 mm
Item No. Range Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
Brix Hydrometers 0-8°
0-8° Each
Add to Cart 21 In Stock 21 In Stock
Brix Hydrometers 8 -16°
8 -16° Each
Add to Cart 13 In Stock 13 In Stock
Brix Hydrometers 16 - 24°
16 - 24° Each
Add to Cart 7 In Stock 7 In Stock