Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Portable Test Kits (Hach)

Alkalinity. Caused by the presence of carbonates, bicarbonates, hydroxides and other dissolved salts, alkalinity is important to food and beverage processors, boiler operators and aquatic biologists.Chloride. Found in nearly all natural waters, chloride affects human taste above 250 mg/L. High levels inhibit plant growth, and many industrial processes need to limit chloride concentration. Test kits use silver nitrate titrant.Chlorine. The most widely used disinfectant for drinking water, chlorine is also important for sanitizing cooling towers and other industrial equipment. Its measurement and control are vital for both safety and economic reasons. Test kits containing DPD colorimetric reagent are used most often for monitoring potable water, and waste effluent. Powder DPD reacts with chlorine more quickly than tablet-form DPD, giving more accurate results. Powder DPD also has a considerable advantage over orthotolidine, a hazardous substance sometimes used as a chlorine test reagent.
Kits for determining higher levels of chlorine use thiosulfate to measure chlorine titrimetrically.Ascorbic Acid. This test kit was developed in cooperation with beverage producers and uses the drop-count titration method to measure ascorbic acid (vitamin C).Hardness. Water hardness is caused almost entirely by calcium and magnesium ions. Other di- and trivalent metals have a similar effect, but usually are not present in high enough concentration in potable waters to cause problems. Hardness increases soap consumption in laundries and causes scale in boilers.Hydrogen Peroxide. A disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide is particularly useful as a supplement to the ultraviolet disinfection of water supply systems. Kit Model HYP-1 contains thiosulfate titrant solution for determining peroxide by the drop count method.Hypochlorite (Bleach). Certain plants use bleach for disinfection because it is safer to use and less expensive to ship than gaseous chlorine. Because sodium hypochlorite is less stable than chlorine gas and is greatly affected by heat, light, pH and heavy metal cations, treatment plant operators need to regularly monitor the quality of incoming sodium hypochlorite and the decay rate of the stored product. Using a new form of stabilized prepared sodium thiosulfate titrant , you can complete the test in less than five minutes.Dissolved Oxygen. Low DO levels usually indicate serious pollution. Adequate amounts are crucial for fish life, but conversely, DO must be excluded from boiler feedwater to prevent corrosion.Ozone. Controlling disinfectant levels in water, wastewater and industrial water treatment applications is fast and easy with Hach’s ozone test kits.Sulfite. Because sulfite oxidizes readily to sulfate, it normally is not present in natural waters. It is used in boiler water as an oxygen scavenger.

Item No. Mfr. Item No. Shipping Weight Smallest Increment Case Style Method/Chemistry Qty. Range Test Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Portable Test Kits
OX-2P 3 lbs 0.2 / 1 mg/L D Drop Count titration/ Modified Winkler 100 0.2 - 4 mg/L or 1 - 20 mg/L when sample size is 60 mL Oxygen, Dissolved High range, As DO Each
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