LabGenius Food & Beverage Refractometers

LabGenius Food & Beverage Refractometers are handheld refractometers that are easy to use and provide a quick & accurate measurement of various solutions. Simply place the sample between the cover plate and prism and look towards the light.

Choose from various models including: Brix (0-10% or 0-32%), Honey Moisture, Salinity, Soy Milk, and Wine:

Brix is the sugar content of an aqueous solution. One-degree Brix is 1 gram of sucrose in 100 grams of solution. % Bx is ideal for uses in wine, sugar, carbonated beverage, fruit juice, maple syrup, and honey industries. This type comes in either 0-10% Brix or 0-32% Brix.  Both LabGenius Brix Refractometers have ATC.

The Honey Moisture Refractometer will provide the measurement of water in honey. This is designed so users do not need to calculate moisture level from a brix reading. The LabGenius Honey Moisture Refractometer has a measuring range of 12-30% and comes with ATC.

Salinity is the measure of all salts in dissolved water which can affect the refractive index of water. Our LabGenius Salinity Refractometer has ATC and will measure 0-100% Salinity or 1.000-1.070.

The LabGenius Milk Refractometer has a dual range of % soy milk and brix. The measuring range on this unit is 0-25% Soybean milk and 0-32% brix.

Our LabGenius Wine Refractometer is commonly used in wine-making and measures the density of grape must (°Oe) which give the user an indication of the grape ripeness and sugar content. This is a dual scale model also providing the % Brix. The measuring range is 0-140°Oe and 0-32% Brix.

Key Features

  • Handheld refractometer that is easy to use
  • Simply place the sample under the cover plate and read
  • Most models come with ATC (Milk does not include ATC)
  • Use in many applications with choices of Brix, Honey Moisture, Salinity, Milk, and Wine
Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Resolution ATC Range Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
EF25941 Soy Milk 1%; 0.2% No 0-25% Soybean Milk; 0-32% Brix Each
Add to Cart 4 In Stock 4 In Stock
EF25939 Honey Moisture 0.001 Yes 12-30% Honey Moisture Each
Add to Cart 3 In Stock 3 In Stock