LevGo Eco-smartFunnel Paper Funnel

The LevGo Eco-smartFunnel Paper Funnel is supplied flat-packed to minimize storage space and keep it clean. With minimal amount of finger pressure, the funnel takes its working shape. Each funnel is an environmentally friendly paper product that will naturally biodegrade in the standard waste stream.

Key Features

  • Fits a wide variety of openings and can be used with virtually any cold liquid or powder
  • Innovative “backrest” allows hand-free use when pouring viscous liquids
  • Maximum flexibility – cut the stem to any size to meet your needs
  • Made of FDA food grade clay coated heavy grade paper
  • Uses FSC® Certified paper
  • Apply a minimum of pressure and the funnel will stay in position
Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Mfr. Item No. Capacity Diameter (Top/Bottom) Height Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
EF15496 Eco-smartFunnel Paper Funnel 19630 186 mL 6 cm2 / 0.64 cm2 12.8 cm Pack of 25
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