Name Brand Replacement Cartridges & Parts

Name Brand Replacement Cartridges and Parts will meet your water needs while remaining budget-friendly. These cartridges are a high quality alternative of Barnstead cartridges. All cartridges and parts are sold on an individual basis to fill any need.

The cartridges & parts are suitable for B-Pure, E-Pure, EASYpure, DIamond RO, Infinity, Mega-Pure, NANOpure DIamond, NANOpure II, NANOpure Quad, older NANOpure, TII, ROpure ST, and many other water purification systems.

The part numbers are easy to compare to the Barnstead part number. Simply remove the suffex-LS from the number to find the Barnstead equivalent.

ExampleD0803LS is comparable to Barnstead D0803.

Key Features

  • Directly compatible to the Thermo Scientific Barnstead line of products
  • Hose nipple cartridges available
  • Outstanding quality offered at an economical price 
  • Sold on an individual basis to fill any need

Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Used for System Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
EF16253 Cartridge Kit Pretreated Feed/4 Mod Organic Free E-Pure Each
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