QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System
This patented aseptic sampling process allows testing at different steps during processing to isolate contamination sources. Samples can be obtained from critical locations within a processing facility by installing sampling ports at successive sites. In the event of microbial contamination you will have greatly enhanced ability to determine a cause by being able to obtain samples at bracketed locations, invaluable in isolating and identifying the contamination source. Just as importantly, this aseptic system virtually eliminates the risk of introducing new contaminants to your product, process or sample. It is used by well over 1,000 fluid-food and dairy companies to proactively monitor potential sources of product contamination, such as ineffective pasteurization, airborne contaminants, malfunctioning valves, cracked tanks, faulty cleaning, etc., while providing accurate documentation for Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Programs (HACCP) or any quality assurance program. Detailed written instructions can easily be incorporated in Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) manuals.
The ports can be easily installed at many points in either lines or tanks. For example, following are suggested sampling sites for pasteurized milk, according to guidelines published by The Dairy Practices Council:
1. Pipeline between regeneration and cooling section of HTST (High Temperature-ShortTime).
2. HTST discharge - from the pipeline immediately after cooling.
3. Before Pasteurized Milk Tank (PMT) - from entrance pipeline.
4. After PMT - from exit pipeline.
5. Before valve cluster(s) - from pipeline immediately before.
6. After valve cluster(s) - from pipeline immediately after.
7. Filler bowl - from the pipeline at entry to the filler bowl.
8. Filled package - immediately after the package leaves filler.
The QualiTru system has widespread regulatory acceptance, including:
- Standard Methods for the Examination of Dairy Products, (AHPA) 17th ed. 2004, 3.055 and 3.061, Sampling Raw and Pasteurized Milk.
- Pasteurized Milk Ordinance (PMO), FDA Form 2399 Dairy Plant Sampling Raw and Pasteurized Milk. At the 2003 National Conference of Interstate Milk Shippers (NCIMS), the following was accepted:
- Allow for in-line sampling systems. Provides for an additional means to obtain a representative sample.
- Allow bulk milk tanks to be sampled using a sample septum and sterile needle. Allows for samples to be taken without contaminating them, as can occasionally happen with the current sampling methods.
3064-15 Starter kit; consists of a single sterile 7 port aseptic sampling membrane with cap, 7 disposable 60 mL syringes with 1 1/2” needles, alcohol wipes and instructions.
Item No. | Product Description | Temperature Stability | Type Rubber | Unit of Measure | Your Cost | Purchase | ||||||
QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System
Starter Kit (see description above) | Each |
QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System
7 Port Sampling Membrane, Sterile, Ind. Wrapped | 190°F | Standard EPDM | Each |
QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System
7 Port Sampling Membrane, Sterile, Ind. Wrapped | 300°F | Silicone | Each |
Dust Cover
Accessory: Dust Cover For 7 Port Sampling Membrane | Each |
Wrench for QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System
Accessory: Wrench for QualiTru Aseptic Sampling System | Each |