QuickCheck™ Cryoscopes (Page & Pedersen)

Testing for added water in milk, these freezing-point instruments ensure that extraneous water is not present in your milk. The QuickCheck family of cryoscopes complies with the recommended methods as reviewed by the AOAC/IDF/ISO for payment purposes. Choose from 3 different models appropriate to your specific budget and requirements.

QuickCheck™ Flex Cryoscope

The only 12 Volt -DC powered instrument, the portable QC-FLEX is a tool for rural or remote locations off the ‘grid’ or in areas where AC power is not always reliable. Applications include milking parlors, bulk tanks, collection centers, milk trucks, use by herd management teams and field reps. Bringing you real-time information about added water, when you need it – where you need it: Check the bulk tank to monitor for added water caused by improperly drained lines, condensation, etc. Screen milk samples for extraneous water upon pick up at the farm, prior to loading, to confirm compliance with recommended levels. Comes with large alligator clips.

QuickCheck™ TECH Cryoscope

Reliable, affordable and versatile analytical tool for detecting extraneous water in milk at any point throughout the dairy supply chain. Easy to use, accurate, cost-effective and analysis of milk, in compliance with internationally reviewed and recommended methods (AOAC, IDF 108:2009 & ISO 5764:2009) for payment purposes. Robust electronics, featuring a streamlined calibration and rugged cooling capabilities. The QC-TECH provides results that meet or exceed accuracy requirements for QC/QA critical control points including payment purposes in milk collection/reception.

QuickCheck™ -IV/GR Cryoscope

Testing milk for extraneous water in accordance with internationally reviewed and recommended methods (AOAC, IDF 108:2009 & ISO 5764:2009), the QC-IV/GR ensures that incoming milk is not adulterated with added water for payment purposes. Also, the QC-IV/GR provides a critical control check for processed milk and confirms proper balance in cheese, yogurt and ice-cream recipes.

Item No.3072-61 3072-62 3072-63
Sample Size2.5 mL
Sample Capacity Single Sample
Test Time~ 2 minutes
Readout Units m°C or m°H
Start-Up Time~ 10 minutes
Repeatability±0.002 °H (or °C)±0.002 °H (or °C) ± 0.002 °C
Linearity < ±0.5% from straight line< ±0.5% from straight line< ±0.5%
Resolution0.001 °H (or °C) 0.001 °H (or °C)± 0.0001 °C
Bath Temperature Adjustable -4° C to -8° C Default -6.0° C ± 0.5° C
Calibration2 points (422, 621 m°H/408, 600 m°C)2 points (422, 621 m°H/408, 600 m°C) 2 points (User Selectable)
Power Consumption 120 W120 VAC125 W
Power RequirementDC: 12-14.2 V, 10 Amp120 VAC120 VAC
Fuse 15 Amp2 Amp3 Amp
Ambient Air Temperature 15° to -40° C 15° to -40° C 15° to -38° C
Humidity 30 - 80% Relative
Dimensions (W x H x D) 17 X 17 X 14 inches18 X 18 X 16 inches 18 X 18 X 16 inches
Net Weight17 lbs (7.7 kgs)22 lbs (10 kgs)36 lbs (16.4 kgs)
Gross Weight 20 lbs (9.5 kgs)47 lbs (21.5 kgs)65 lbs (24.5 kgs)

Item No. Product Description Mfr. Item No. Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
QuickCheck™ Flex Cryoscope
QuickCheck™ Flex Cryoscope QC-FLEX Each
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QuickCheck™ Tech Cryoscope
QuickCheck™ Tech Cryoscope QC-TECH Each
Add to Cart This item is not currently stocked. Allow 2-3 weeks. Please contact us if you'd like us to keep stock in the future. In Stock
QuickCheck™ -IV/GR Cryoscope
QuickCheck™ -IV/GR Cryoscope QC-IV/GR Each
Add to Cart This item is not currently stocked. Allow 2-3 weeks. Please contact us if you'd like us to keep stock in the future. In Stock
Transfer Fluid, 160 mL, for all brands of cryoscopes
Accessory: Transfer Fluid, 160 mL, for All Brands of Cryoscopes 101-911 Each
Add to Cart 30 In Stock 30 In Stock