Rapi:chip 16 for GENECHECKER UF-100

Rapi:chip™ 16 for GENECHECKER UF-100 was developed from the understanding of the challenges in routine PCR. We found the protocols duration could be dramatically reduced when efficient heat transfer is made during the thermal cycling process. By designing a unique 3-dimensional polymer chip where the bottom surface is made of a thin film and precisely bonded with a polymer body, ultra-fast thermal cycling became possible.

Rapi:chip/16™ can accommodate 16 samples and is ideal for amplification of standard PCR. It does not have the capability for analysis of a fluorescence signal.

Specifications for the Rapi:chip/16 PCR Chip for GENECHEKCER
Dimensions38mm (W) x 25 mm (D) x 6 mm (H)
Weight3.56 g
Number of Wells 16 Wells
Volume of Each Well10 μL
Aperture Diameter0.6 mm
Channel Height0.5 mm
Channel Length8.0 mm
Channel Width2.0 mm
MaterialTransparent Polymer
TransparencyMore than 95%
Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
EF24529 Accessory: Rapi:Chip16 for UF100 PCR Pack of 768
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