Solar-Cult® Environmental Sampling Solutions

Diluents are offered in convenient 10 and 15-mL volumes. The 10 mL volume is offered to those who prefer to purchase dry rather than pre-moistened sponges for HACCP sampling. The 10-mL aliquots are used to moisten sampling sponges immediately prior to surface sampling. The 15-mL quantities are required after sampling. After surface sampling, each sponge containing a specimen is placed in a plastic transport bag to which a 15-mL volume of diluent is added. Both products are sterile and contained in optically clear and colorless screw-top 15 mL graduated polystyrene conical centrifuge tubes.

Item No. Product Description Mfr. Item No. Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
Environmental Sampling Solutions
Neutralizing Buffer (10 mL) NB10 Pack of 10
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Environmental Sampling Solutions
Butterfield's Phosphate Buffer (10 mL) BPB10 Pack of 10
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Environmental Sampling Solutions
Buffer Peptone Water (10 mL) BPW10 Pack of 10
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