Thermo Orion Star A Handheld Meters

Thermo Orion Star A Handheld Meters provide complete portability without sacrificing testing accuracy. IP-67 waterproof housing and protective plug covers prevent corrosion, even in difficult testing environments. The bright, backlit display clearly shows results in rain or shine. The ergonomic design features a recessed grove in the back and a textured keypad to ensure a secure grip, even with gloved or wet hands.

Choose from three meter types:

A100 Series Meters (A122, A123) are single-parameter meters suitable for basic testing needs. They feature a 7-button keypad and English language prompts. Meters hold up to 50 data points and display both temperature (°C and °F) and calibration.

A200 Series Meters (A223) is a dual-range parameter meters capable of storing up to 1000 data points. It features an expanded RDO range (up to 50 ppm) and a real-time clock. Meters have dual-probe capacity – RDO for standard readings and polarographic for faster DO readings. Other features include DIN pH buffer curves and mV values with pH readings. The multilanguage interface supports English, Spanish, French, Italian, German and Chinese.

A300 Series Meters (A321, A322, A323, A324, A325, A326, A329) are dual or multiparameter units with additional datalogging capabilities and security features. The informative display includes information about electrode status, time, date, sample ID, user ID, and calibration points. Stability and averaging provide flexible options for data. Units include up to 5-point calibration; calibration editing and log function are automatic. The non-volatile memory holds up to 5000 data points; units also store up to 10 methods to allow for customized procedures.

Meters are available with a variety of test parameters:

Meters with pH measurement feature automatic calibration for USA/NIST and DIN buffers (3-point calibration for A100 Series meters; 5-point calibration for A200 and A300 Series meters).

Meters with conductivity include readings for conductivity/TDS, temperature (in ºC or ºF), meter mode and power source. Meters include both a selectable cell constant and reading reference temperature to ensure accurate results. A200 and A300 Series meters include a choice of practical salinity or natural sea water curves for salinity readings, plus linear or ISO/EN 27888 curves for TDS.

Meters with dissolved oxygen include DO reading in mg/L or % saturation, temperature (in ºC or ºF), meter mode, and power source. Automatic temperature, manual salinity input, and manual barometric pressure compensation (automatic compensation on A200 and A300 Series) ensures an accurate result. A100 Series meters have two calibration options: water-saturated air method or a Winkler titration; A200 and A300 Series meters can be calibrated using water-saturated, air, air-saturated water, Winkler titration or zero-point calibration. These meters can also be used with AUTO-STIR polarographic DO probes for faster readings.

All meters include a universal 100-240 VAC AC adapter. Meters can also be powered by four AA batteries (not included). pH electrode input is BNC; ATC probe input is 8-pin mini-DIN.

Key Features

  • Ergonomic design and textured keypad work well with gloves or wet hands
  • AUTOREAD locks in stable readings and flashes a ready indicator
  • IP-67 waterproof housing withstands the rigors of field work
  • A200 and A300 Series models support GLP/GMP and datalogging
  • 3-year warranty

Specifications for Star A Handheld Meters
A100 Series Meters A200 Series Meters A300 Series Meters
pH Range: -2.00 to 16.00 -2.000 to 20.000
pH Resolution: 0.1, 0.01 0.1, 0.01, 0.001
pH Relative Accuracy: ±0.01 ±0.002
pH Calibration Points: Up to 3 Up to 5
mV Range: ±1500.0 mV ±2000.0 mV
mV Resolution: 0.1 0.1
mV Relative Accuracy: ±0.2 mV or ±0.05 % of reading, whichever is greater
ISE Range: 0 to 19,999
ISE Resolution: Up to 3 significant digits
ISE Relative Accuracy: ±0.2 mV or ±0.05% of reading, whichever is greater
ISE Units ppm, M, mg/L, %, ppb, none
Temperature Range: -5º to 105°C
Temperature Resolution: 0.1
Temperature Relative Accuracy: ±0.1
Conductivity Range: 0.1 µS/cm to 200 mS/cm 0.00 to 3000 mS
Conductivity Resolution: 0.01 µS minimum; 3 significant figures minimum 0.01 µS minimum; 4 significant figures minimum
Conductivity Relative Accuracy: 0.5 % reading; ±1 digit
Conductivity Temperature Compensation: 20°, 25°C (default 25°C) 5 °, 10 °, 15°, 20°, 25°C
TDS Range: 1 to 19,999 mg/L 0 to 200 ppt
TDS Resolution: 4 significant digits
TDS Relative Accuracy: 0.5 % reading; ±1 digit
TDS Factor Range: Linear, 0.01 to 10.00 (default 0.49) Linear, 0.01 to 10.00
Resistivity Range: 2 Ohm to 100Meg-Ohm
Resistivity Resolution: 2 ohms-cm
Resistivity Relative Accuracy: 0.5% ± 1 digit
Salinity Type: Practical salinity or natural sea water
Salinity Range: 0.01 to 80.0 ppt NaCl equivalent; 0.01 to 42 ppt practical salinity
Salinity Resolution: 0.01
Salinity Relative Accuracy: ± 0.1
DO Concentration Range: 0 to 20 mg/L Polarographic: 0 to 90mg/L; RDO optical: 0 to 50mg/L
DO Concentration Resolution: 0.01, 0.1
DO Concentration Relative Accuracy: ±0.2 Polarographic: ±0.2
RDO optical: ±0.1mg/L up to 8mg/L, ±0.2mg/L up to 20mg/L,
10% of reading beyond; ±2%
DO % Saturation Range: 0 to 200 Polarographic: 0 to 600;
RDO optical: 0 to 500
DO % Saturation Resolution: 0.1, 1
DO Manual Barometric Pressure Correction 450.0 to 850.0 mm Hg
DO Manual Salinity Factor Correction 0 to 45 ppt
DO Sensor Type: Polarographic Polarographic or RDO (optical/luminesce-based) DO

Specifications for Star A Handheld Meter Kits
Model Measures Kit Includes
A321 pH/ORP/Temp ROSS Triode; pH 4, 7, 10 buffers, 10 pouches of each; ROSS electrode storage solution, 475 mL; Rinse solution, 10 pouches;
Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A122 Conductivity/Temp Conductivity cell, K=1.0; Conductivity standard, 1413 µS, 5 x 60 mL; Rinse solution, 10 pouches;
Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A222 Conductivity/Temp DuraProbe conductivity cell, 3m cable, K=0.475; Conductivity standard, 1413 µS, 10 pouches;
Rinse solution, 10 pouches;
Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A123 DO/Temp Polarographic DO probe; Calibration sleeve for DO probe; DO probe maintenance kit;
Protective armor with electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A223 RDO/DO/Temp RDO optical/luminescence-based probe, 3m cable, s/s guard, calibration sleeve and cap;
Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A324 pH/ISE/ORP/Temp ROSS Triode; pH 4, 7, 10 buffers, 10 pouches of each; ROSS electrode storage solution, 475 mL; Rinse solution, 10 pouches;
Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A325 pH/ORP/Cond/Temp ROSS Triode, 3m cable; DuraProbe conductivity cell, 3m cable; pH 4, 7, 10 buffers, 10 pouches of each; ROSS electrode storage solution,
475 mL; Conductivity standard, 1413 µS, 10 pouches; Rinse solution, 10 pouches; Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A326 pH/ORP/RDO/DO/Temp ROSS Triode, 3m cable; RDO optical/luminescence-based probe, 3m cable, s/s guard, calibration sleeve and cap;
pH 4, 7, 10 buffers, 10 pouches of each; ROSS electrode storage solution, 475 mL; Conductivity standard, 1413 µS, 10 pouches;
Rinse solution, 10 pouches; Protective armor w/ electrode holder; Hard carrying case
A329 pH/ISE/ORP/Cond/RDO/DO/Temp ROSS Triode, 3m cable; DuraProbe conductivity cell, 3m cable; RDO optical/luminescence-based probe, 3m cable, s/s guard, calibration sleeve and cap;
pH 4, 7, 10 buffers, 10 pouches of each; ROSS electrode storage solution, 475 mL; Conductivity standard, 1413 µS, 10 pouches; Rinse solution, 10 pouches;
Protective armor w/ probe holders; Hard carrying case
Item No. Alt. Part No. Product Description Meter Model Includes Mfr. Item No. Type Unit of Measure Your Cost Purchase
Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439A Star A Handheld Meter A321 Meter Meter Only STARA3210 pH Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9437G Star A Handheld Meter A122 Meter Meter Only STARA1220 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9438D Star A Handheld Meter A222 Meter Meter Only STARA2220 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439C Star A Handheld Meter A322 Meter Meter Only STARA3220 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9437L Star A Handheld Meter A123 Meter Meter Only STARA1230 DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439G Star A Handheld Meter A324 Meter Meter Only STARA3240 pH/ISE Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439J Star A Handheld Meter A325 Meter Meter Only STARA3250 pH/Cond Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439L Star A Handheld Meter A326 Meter Meter Only STARA3260 pH/RDO/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439N Star A Handheld Meter A329 Meter Meter Only STARA3290 pH/ISE/Cond/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9438F Star A Handheld Meter A223 Meter Meter Only STARA2230 RDO/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439E Star A Handheld Meter A323 Meter Meter Only STARA3230 RDO/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9437H Star A Handheld Meter A122 Kit Cond. Cell K=1.0, Cond. Standard 1413 µS, Rinse Solution, Protective Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carrying Case STARA1225 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9438DA Star A Handheld Meter A222 Kit DuraProbe Cond. Cell, K=0.475 Cond. Standard, 1413µS, Rinse Solution, Prot. Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carry Case STARA2225 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439D Star A Handheld Meter A322 Kit DuraProbe Cond. Cell, K=0.475 Conductivity Standard, 1413µS, Rinse Solution, Prot. Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carry Case STARA3225 Conductivity Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9437M Star A Handheld Meter A123 Kit Polarographic DO probe, Calibration Sleeve, Maintenance Kit, Protective Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carrying Case STARA1235 DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9438FA Star A Handheld Meter A223 Kit RDO Optical/Luminescence-Based Probe, Protective Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carrying Case STARA2235 RDO/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439F Star A Handheld Meter A323 Kit RDO Opt/Lum-Based Probe, 3m Cable, S/S guard, Calibration Sleeve and Cap, Protective Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carry Case STARA3235 RDO/DO Each
Buy 1 $2,178.42
Buy 2 $1,906.13
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439B Star A Handheld Meter A321 Kit ROSS Triode, Buffers (4/7/10), ROSS Electrode Storage Sol., Rinse Solution, Prot. Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carry Case STARA3215 pH Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439H Star A Handheld Meter A324 Kit ROSS Triode, Buffers (4/7/10), ROSS Electrode Storage Sol., Rinse Solution, Prot. Armor w/ Electrode Holder, Hard Carry Case STARA3245 pH/ISE Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439K Star A Handheld Meter A325 Kit ROSS Triode, DuraProbe Cond Cell, Buffers, ROSS Electrode Storage, Cond Standard, Rinse Solution, Prot Armor, Hard Carry Case STARA3255 pH/Cond Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439P Star A Handheld Meter A329 Kit ROSS Triode, DuraProbe Cond Cell, RDO Probe, Buffers, ROSS Electrode Storage, Cond Standard, Rinse Sol, Prot Armor, Carry Case STARA3295 pH/ISE/Cond/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meters
EF9439M Star A Handheld Meter A326 Kit ROSS Triode, RDO Optical/Luminescence-Based Probe, Buffers, ROSS Electrode Solution, Cond Stand, Rinse, Prot Armor, Carry Case STARA3265 pH/RDO/DO Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meter Accessory
EFORI087010MD Accessory: Replacement RDO probe 087010MD Each
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Orion Star A Handheld Meter Accessory
EF4429A Accessory: Optional Polarographic Probe 081010MD Each
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