Traceable One-Shot Conductivity Standards
The Traceable One-Shot Conductivity Standards are 100 mL single-use conductivity standards used to calibrate all conductivity meters and probes for maximum accuracy. One-Shots eliminates concern about external container contamination. Calibration is made in the standard’s vial and the container fits all probes. The extra-large opening (1 ¾” diameter) and extra-large depth (3 ½”) allow probe calibration to take place in the standard’s polyethylene container.
The standards are labeled in micromhos (microsiemens), ohms, and ppm. Accuracy at 25°C is ±0.25% and solutions are Traceable to NIST standards. Certificate of analysis provided with each bottle. Supplied in pack of 6 vials with certificate of analysis.
Key Features
- Certified reference material
- 100% compatible with all conductivity meters
- Accuracy: certificate stated uncertainty, or ±0.25 microsiemen or ±0.25%