ATP Swabs and Luminometers that Save Hours of Waste in Your Lab
Hygiena ATP monitoring systems and consumables help businesses like yours significantly reduce wasted time in the lab at an attractive price point. Here’s how.
Step 1.
Choose your Hygiena luminometer below.
(The luminometers you use are a nominal cost in your overall ATP testing program)
Step 2.
Choose your ATP swabs below.
(Consumables and follow-up testing are the bulk of your ATP testing time and cost)
Step 3.
You're done!
Hygenia consumables can give you organism test results today, so you don't have to wait 48-72 hours before you can act on your contamination.
Experience fewer contamination events (and product recalls, and lost profits) than you do with your current luminometer and ATP swabs
The most cost-effective ATP monitoring system available today. Results in 15 seconds.
Drastically reduce follow-up contamination identification testing by pairing with MicroSnap Indicator Organism Tests.
Multi-parameter testing with an updated touchscreen interface. Virtually no learning curve for new users. ATP results in 10 seconds.
Most ATP testing luminometers require daily charging at a charging station.
SystemSURE Plus™ and EnSURE™ Multi-Parameter luminometers run off simple AA batteries at a very low draw. In most applications, they need replacing only every 10-12 months.
So don’t worry about the impact a forgetful operator can have on your ATP testing tomorrow. A missed night of charging doesn’t ruin your day.
The source of your most significant savings are these ATP swabs
4x more sensitive than UltraSnap. Made for critical production like baby formula, pharma, food.
Identify the actual contaminant during the same work day. Prevent recalls, reduce waste, shorten hold time, and enable a quicker response when contamination issues arise.
AquaSnap Free & AquaSnap Total
Low-cost and accurate testing for free ATP in solution and microbial ATP.
Shrink the cost of follow-up testing after a positive contamination result.
ATP swabs for these systems are either more affordable or more sensitive than your current solution. That already reduces your cost per ATP result by switching.
But here’s the best part. The source of huge time and budget savings for most users…
The MicroSnap ATP swabs that are compatible with the EnSURE™ or EnSURE™ Touch don’t just give you a positive or negative result.
They actually tell you what your contaminant is, whether it’s:
- E.Coli
- Klebsiella
- Citrobacter
- Enterobacter
- Salmonella
- Ytersinia
- Serratia
- Shigella
You may still need to send samples offsite for PCR analysis sometimes. But this will drastically reduce the cost of production hold times and inventory holding costs.
Let data drive your decision
A third-party food and beverage reference laboratory studied the leading commercial ATP hygiene monitoring systems.
It looked at 4 measures of performance.
1. Linearity
The closer to linear a system can get, the more precise and reliable the results will be. Systems that deviate from linear offer less reliable results and less sensitivity - more retesting, more risk.
2. Repeatability
Repeatability is described by Coefficient of Variation (CV). The higher the CV, the greater the variability between each result with the same sample. Hygiena systems consistently deliver the lowest CV (and thus the most repeatable, reliable results)..
3. Sensitivity
Sensitivity is defined as the Limit of Detection (LoD). It is the smallest amount of ATP detectable above the background noise of the system. Background noise may come from the instrument (as electrical interference), or the reagent swab device (as chemical interference). Hygiena systems detect the lowest levels of ATP.
4. Accuracy
To test accuracy, 100 fmoles of ATP was added to each test device and measurements were taken (using 10 replicates) to determine how much of the available sample was actually detected. Results less than 100% indicate that only part of the sample was detected due to some interference within the system. Results over 100% indicate extra signal coming from the test device. Hygiena’s system is the closest to 100%, thus the least variable.
So if you aren’t already using Hygiena luminometers, you can start this week.
If you aren’t already using Hygiena ATP swabs, you can also start this week.
And if you aren’t totally confident in your current ATP testing program, you can be - starting this week.